Help improve security on the web for everyone: Chrome will periodically send some system information and page content to Google so we know about any threats you encounter.Learn more about Safe Browsing protection. If the website matches anything on the list, your browser sends a partial copy of the address to Google to find out if you're visiting a risky site. When you visit a website, Chrome checks it against a list of websites stored on your computer that are known to be bad. Safe Browsing: Get an alert whenever Chrome sees that the website you're going to could be harmful.
Learn more about how to fill out forms automatically. Allow sites to check if you have payment methods saved: If you've saved payment methods to Chrome, you can let Chrome offer your saved info to make filling out forms easier.However, many websites will still collect and use your browsing data to improve security, provide content, services, ads and recommendations on their websites, and generate reporting statistics. Send a "Do Not Track" request with your browsing traffic: You can include a "Do Not Track" request with your browsing traffic.If you turn this setting on, websites and any embedded content that are preloaded can set and read their own cookies as if you had visited them, even if you don't. When you visit a webpage, Chrome can look up the IP addresses of all the page's links and load the ones you might navigate to next. Preload pages for faster browsing and searching: Browsers use an IP address to load a webpage.Learn about each privacy option from the list below: